• AIX Migration

    Take your web and non-web applications from AIX to Linux

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    Move your Websphere Application to Linux

    Take advantage of the cost effectiveness of Linux over AIX. You can run the same applications with the same UI, but on a less expensive platform. You can contimue to run on IBM hardware or you can move on on premise or cloud deployment.

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    Python, PHP and shell scripting migration

    There are many non-java web applications hosted on AIX. MCS can provide the tools and expertise to move those applications onto Linux. We have technical knowledge and support to help you with your project.

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    C/C++ applications ported to Linux

    The technical team at MCS are immersed in both AIX and Linux C/C++ applications, dealing daily with porting code and scripts between these systems. We have been creating and distributing portable C/C++ code for over 30 years from many Unix variants and now Linux.